Real Time Payments

The online electronic payments sector is undergoing very substantial change, driven by new regulations, the opening up of interbank infrastructures and rapid Fintech developments.

Real Time Payments

Open Banking, Instant Payments, P2P and A2A services are already impacting traditional ACH batch operations.  Also, many payments players now recognise the potential for online payments to displace cards and as a result are investing in new products. PSE has supported many clients who are planning to use such services to enable much lower cost transfers, to improve customer service, simplify reconciliation, reduce settlement timeframes, and increase efficiency.

Case study 1

Account to account mobile wallet 


With domestic mobile wallets being widely used across Europe, PSE carried out a review of the European P2P wallet landscape in order to support a quantitative and qualitative comparison of the major domestic European players and archetypes for a large payments player. 


Beginning from PSE’s understanding of the players, the knowledge was completed by both primary and secondary research and interviews with local partners to understand the eWallets use cases, POS form factors, payment rails, user experience, consumer and merchant sign-up, economics and commercial models, plus the reasons for their success. 


Based on the market analysis, PSE produced a detailed report on how each wallet works end-to-end, their participants’ role, financial flows and a summary of trends, providing the client with knowledge to define its partnership/competition strategy. 

Case study 2

Acquirer open banking strategy 


PSE was engaged by a global acquirer to develop their strategic approach to open banking in the UK and Europe. 


PSE combined it’s knowledge of merchant requirements and the competitive landscape for open banking with extensive engagement with internal stakeholder to produce a focused strategy towards the emergence of open banking. The strategic approach taken accommodated the uncertain regulatory and speed of adoption context of open banking by focusing on high value low risk use cases currently dominated by vanilla push payments  


The client was able to communicate it’s readiness for open banking in reactive scenarios (i.e. answering merchant questions and RFPs) at the same time as proactively pursuing segment opportunities. 

What our clients say

SME in all payment related space with in depth knowledge
PSE Consulting are experts who really understand payments. They get under the skin of issues and provide consultancy that is more relevant and specific to the brief that many other consultants
Global Acquirer
PSE have strong payments experience both regarding product and the market, that is practical as well as good client mgmt skills. It's not a common combination.
Professionalism during the project delivery and in-depth understanding of the selected topics, alongside with a flexible approach on topics e.g. change of language, timeline or scope of the project
Really took time to listen and understand our business to provide tailored and relevant consulting, it felt very bespoke not reliant on generic approach
Global Acquirer

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